This is How It Starts…
New children are coming to Siempre – again
Abandoned kids with heart breaking stories – need a place to stay. We’ve been asked to open our arms again. We’re ready.
January of 2005 we were able to take up to 16 kids. Today – we have beds for perhaps a dozen. Girls rooms are lovingly ready. Boys rooms still need work and beds. Beginnings has just two cribs and no diapers. RileyHouse is empty of beds. But we can take at least 12 kids and until we have beds in every room again, we’ll fill the beds we have. The 2nd Generation of Siempre’s Kids are wandering in… the same way the boys in the picture did back in 2005. Please pray that our staff is ready as they open their arms in love and healing.
PreSchool begins at LifeHouse@Siempre this Monday morning. Too many parents are forced to choose between work or caring for their children. Without work the family goes hungry. Our new directors – fluent in both English and Spanish and trained in preschool – have children enrolled and volunteers from the community to be trained in childcare. LifeHouse is extending Hope and Life to families who might otherwise be crushed by the burden of poverty. We want to help children stay in their home with their family whenever possible.
We’re Looking Forward. God has given us an opportunity to return to our original vision of being a home that rescues children who have no home. We’re ready to start updating you on what’s happening and invite you to share in the restoration of this great work we’ve had the opportunity to share.
5 New Children – they’re coming this week – pray that we can love them into lives of hope, security and possibility. It may seem like a small start but it’s a start and to each of these 5 new kids it’s the promise of a hope and a future. We’ll need your prayers, visits and financial support to break the cult of poverty that’s putting kids at risk. We already know how to do this – together, we can. You’re Invited! God is too good. I am so excited!